Don’t let Africa burn!

Don’t let Africa burn!

A Friends of the Earth Africa position paper on gas exploitation in Africa.

Ahead of COP27, this position paper highlights the damaging impacts of the climate crisis which are already experienced by communities across Africa, and the world. As world leaders and negotiators meet for another round of UN climate talks, the impacts of global warming are becoming more frequent and extreme. The African continent is historically the least polluting, but worst hit. It is warming the fastest among the other continents and has the fewest resources to adapt.

African peoples say “Don’t let Africa burn!”

The paper focuses on the latest push for African gas for export to Europe, which will further incinerate Africa, as scientific reports and analysis have pointed out. Gas is not a clean fuel, or a transition fuel. Gas is not needed for development. Gas has never been a sustainable energy model, owing to the havoc it has wreaked on many developing countries and its contribution to global CO2 emissions.

 Calls for a just transition to renewables

Friends of the Earth Africa bring clear demands in “Don’t let Africa burn!”, and call alternatives to exploiting for gas on the continent. They call on world governments to adopt their plan to achieve 100% renewable energy in Africa by 2050. This vision for system change and technical plan shows that it is not only urgent but entirely possible to reduce emissions, transform the energy system and support a just recovery on the continent.

“Don’t let Africa burn” clearly states that energy should not be developed solely for profit, but to ensure the dignity of all peoples and reduce energy poverty so as to catalyse sustainable societies. At COP27 in Egypt, and beyong, African governments must work with the people and remove all obstacles that may retard progress and/or detract from attaining this goal.

The full report

The report  is also available in French and Portuguese

FoEA Resolution on Industrial Plantation Companies and Protection of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Against Human and Environmental Rights Violations in Africa.

FoEA Resolution on Industrial Plantation Companies and Protection of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Against Human and Environmental Rights Violations in Africa.

At the 73rd Ordinary Session of the Africa Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) holding from October 20th to November 9th, 2022 at The Gambia.

Reaffirming that the UN General Assembly adopted a historic resolution in July 2022, declaring access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, a universal human right.

Recalling the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights mandate to promote and protect  human and peoples rights in Africa.Under the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (African Charter), recognises the rights of forest dependent peoples and local communities impacted by largescale agrocommodities expansion.

Considering the report of the working group on the rights of indigenous communities in Africa, adopted by the Commission in 2003 at its 28th Ordinary Session, and which among others recognises that protection of communal rights to land is fundamental for the survival of indigenous communities in Africa.

Reaffirming multiple global agreements and commitments from African states to address climate change and halt deforestation and biodiversity loss. And stressing the urgency with which all have to act if we are to prevent societies from the grave impacts of climate and biodiversity crisis, amidst social environmental and gender injustices in Africa with records of devastating impacts of largescale monoculture plantation expansion on women.

Acknowledging that industrial plantation expansion by agrocommodities companies is the single biggest contributor to deforestation and biodiversity loss in Africa, with deforestation the second biggest contributor to climate catastrophe after oil and gas exploration activities in the continent.

Observing that in 2020, 331 defenders were killed across 25 countries around the world with  at least 227 of them  EHRDs who were either murdered, brutalised or silenced with agrocommodities sector-one of the most dangerous sectors for Environmental Human Rights Defenders, EHRDs, in Africa.

Further observing that millions of Africans experience adverse impacts by industrial monoculture plantations, consisting of crops such as oil palm, timber trees. Pollution of soil and water with chemicals and waste, the destruction of water sources, deforestation, erosion are just some of the environmental impacts. Whereas plantations are also structurally connected to human rights violations including harassment and violence – specifically against women and environmental human rights defenders, land rights violations and labour rights violations.

Friends of the Earth Africa (FoEA) through the NGO Forum, hereby calls on the African Commission to:

  1. Have its institutions, such as the working group on extractive industries, environment and human rights, conduct a research to address the adverse impacts of largescale monoculture plantations in Africa, including country visits to heavily impacted countries and communities.
  2. Ensure that the perpetrators of deforestation and related human rights violations, including transnational companies and their financiers, are held accountable for their inputs and do not continue their practices in/with impunity.
  3. Provide assistance to authorities to implement a moratorium on the expansion of landbased concessions for monoculture plantations that lead to deforestation, biodiversity loss and related human rights violations.
  4. Support authorities to install programmes that promote agroecology and family farming a community based agriculture devoid of chemical use and community forest management methods, including providing access to finance for smallholders.
  5. Halt the criminalization and harassment of Environmental Human Rights defenders including Women Environmental rights defenders and provide access to justice for defenders and affected indigenous people and local communities.
  6. Respect the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities to land including women’s access and ownership rights to land in Africa and protect and restore the environment.
  7. Ensure that the ACHPRs considers the annual conduct of human rights and environmental audits within member states.
  8. Encourage African government and the African Union to engage proactively in the process towards a strong and effective UN Binding Treaty on transnational corporations and human rights, in order to stop corporate impunity and hold corporations accountable including agrocommodities companies for their environmental and human rights violations in Africa.


Tackling the global food crisis through system change

Tackling the global food crisis through system change

We are in the midst of the third major food crisis in 15 years. This is no accident. It is the result of an  unjust global food system that prioritises profits over peoples’ rights, lives and the environment.  Worldwide hunger, malnutrition and rising food prices are a result of an unsustainable economic  system. The answer can only be system change, towards a food system based on agroecology and  food sovereignty.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia brought the food crisis to the headlines, with prices of wheat shooting up 70%. The FAO predicted a possible additional 13 million people pushed into hunger.  Yet, prices were rising even before any supply gaps, pushed up by food trader speculation and  profiteering in financial markets. The panic in global food markets, caused by the conflict between  the world’s largest producers of wheat and chemical fertiliser, has exposed the huge fragility of a  global food system. Today, at least 20 countries depend on Russia and Ukraine for half of their  wheat imports. In Eastern Africa, wheat has become a staple food, despite not being grown in the  region. 84% is imported, mainly from Russia and Ukraine.

A fragile food system built on neoliberal doctrine

The current industrial food system is a driver of multiple crises: climate, food, environmental and  public health crises. Global production chains are also highly vulnerable to these shocks. Supplied  by an industrial model of food production, they rely heavily on fossil fuels and chemical inputs, and  are dominated by a handful of corporations. This means that food prices track rising energy prices,  while intensive food production contributes to carbon emissions and environmental destruction.

As the climate crisis intensifies, extreme weather events like the droughts, floods and heatwaves  experienced in the Horn of Africa, Pakistan and Europe this year become more frequent. This  pushes vulnerable people further in to poverty and hunger, whilst affecting small-scale producers’  ability to feed their communities in the future. Ongoing conflicts, wars and occupations are among  the main drivers of global hunger. Often these conflicts are over resource extraction or land, which  are made worse by climate change.

Moreover, years of neoliberal doctrine and policies (structural adjustment, conditional loans,  financial sector deregulation and free trade agreements) has pushed many previously food self sufficient countries into dependency on imports. Escalating conditional debt for countries in the  Global South, like Sri Lanka, has stripped them of the ability to provide public funding to cope with  rising food prices, health costs, energy poverty or climate impacts.

Hunger and food crisis are a structural shame

Hunger was widespread even before the Russia-Ukraine conflict began. According to the FAO,  between 702 and 828 million people were affected by hunger in 2021. In 2020, over 2 billion did not  have adequate access to food. The Covid-19 pandemic pushed 150 million more into hunger.

These persistent and shocking levels of hunger expose structural problems in the industrial food  system. The issue is not inadequate food production, but a blind obsession with productivity, profits and global markets as the way to supply food, rather than a focus on realising the Right to Food,  and peoples’ rights more widely.

Agribusiness controls the market 

World over, we are seeing structural poverty, low wages and sharpening inequality. The  agribusiness industry is dominated by a handful of companies, with enormous influence over  markets, research and policy. The “big four” grain traders – Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill  and Louis Dreyfus – reported their highest ever profits in 2021. The overall wealth of food  corporations and billionaires grew by 45% in 2021/22, to $382 billion. Transnational corporations  have turned food into a financial commodity, with which they speculate and enrich themselves  without measure.

Meanwhile, small-scale producers face increasing repression and threats to their livelihoods.  Agribusinesses are using the food crisis to lobby for more subsidies and rip up existing regulations.  Under the cover of ‘crisis response’, they can grab land and resources from peasants, indigenous  peoples and family farmers, for monoculture tree plantations or intensive farms, for example.  Yet, this ‘Peasant Food Web’ provides the food for more than 70% of the world’s people. They  produce in a more sustainable manner, using less than 25% of the world’s resources (land, water,  fuels).

Our call for system change towards food sovereignty 

The answer to the global food crisis is not to deepen free markets, or to produce more intensively.  We need a shift in focus, away from profits and economic growth, towards the Right to Food.

People around the world are already working towards this transformation – from urban gardens in  Malaysia to native seed networks in Uruguay. In places like Togo, El Salvador, and the Philippines,  local agroecological food systems and short supply chains proved resilient and innovative during the  COVID 19 pandemic.  A radical transformation of our food system towards food sovereignty is possible. It requires  adequate public policies to reduce dependency on food imports and boost domestic food systems,  especially in the Global South. This means ensuring social and economic justice, via debt  cancellation, stopping free trade agreements and unfair investment deals. It means dismantling  corporate power.

It also requires investment in public institutions and policies to support the Right to Food and  agroecology, whilst guaranteeing peoples’ rights to control their territories – land, water and seeds.  This means valuing local knowledge and markets, and nurturing social relations founded on justice  and solidarity. It involves tackling the overlapping oppressions that operate in the food system –  patriarchy, racism, colonialism and class – and recognising the fundamental role of women in food  production. Ultimately, it means supporting those who feed the world in a way that protects  biodiversity, lowers emissions and counters destructive industrial agriculture.

The answer to the global food crisis is system change.

“This article appeared on Friends of the Earth International’s website and has been published here with permission.” Photo: “A farmer in Mozambique. Photo by Amelia Collins, Friends of the Earth International”.
Say No to Gas ! Website is Live

Say No to Gas ! Website is Live

The campaign, co-ordinated by JA! aims to bring an end to the gas industry in Mozambique and all over the world. We are focusing on the regions of Cabo Delgado, Inhambane and Nampula provinces in Mozambique, fighting an industry whose tentacles are spreading out around country, the African continent and the world.

We are working on the ground in Mozambique, and supported by an international coalition that challenges the impunity of the gas industry, exposing its violations and threats to human rights, environmental destruction and climate impact everywhere in the world, fighting the culprits in their own countries.

The website is a rich depository for anyone who wants to learn about the gas struggle, the devastating impacts, the facts about gas, companies, financiers and governments fuelling the industry, reports and regular updates.

Aluta Continua!

For more information visit the website  contact

Anabela Lemos

JA!FOE Moçambique

Strengthening the African Region to End Corporate Impunity

Strengthening the African Region to End Corporate Impunity

As part of the project to strengthen the African region to end impunity of transnational corporations (TNCs), Friends of the Earth Togo organized on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at the Entente room of the Administrative Center and Economic and Financial Services (CASEF), a capacity building workshop for 28 people from human rights and environmental organizations.

The overall objectives of the project are: to document cases of corporate impunity around the world, particularly in Africa, in order to demand policy changes to dismantle corporate power and challenge the current model of development driven by multinational corporations; to denounce harmful trade agreements; and to promote binding rules for TNCs and other businesses.

 Specifically, these are:

  1. Document and present concrete examples of human rights impacts of TNC activities
  2. Train 25 human rights structures (NGOs/associations and public administration) on the UN binding treaty and its negotiation process
  3. Establish a coalition of civil society organizations (CSOs) in favor of the fight against TNC violations and for human dignity, with a roadmap.

Two presentations were made during the workshop by two experts from Friends of the Earth-Togo:

Presentation 1: Documented concrete examples of human rights impacts of TNC activities, by KPONDZO Kwami, Campaign officer

Presentation 2: The United Nations binding treaty and its negotiation process, AMEGADZE Kokou, Deputy Executive Director

These presentations generated a lot of interest and questions that were answered by the presenters.

When interviewed about the need to train CSOs to document cases of human rights violations by TNCs, Mr. AMEGADZE Kokou Elorm, said that : TNCs are companies with offices in several countries, under different jurisdictions, with a single decision-making center. The activities of these companies are associated with many injustices, he noted. It is a question of human rights violations, land grabbing and ecological damage. It is therefore a question of seeing how this can be reversed so that the affected populations no longer suffer from the perverse effects linked to the activities of TNCs. Since the CSO movement supports communities affected by human rights abuses, it is important to educate and train them on the ins and outs of TNC activities. That is why we want these CSOs to understand the issues related to TNC operations so that the abuses we see can be stopped.

The workshop ended on a high note by establishing a coalition for the fight against TNC violations and for human dignity, bringing together the participating organizations, with a roadmap for its activities.

For more information

Friends of the Earth-Togo

 +228 97 12 44 96